maandag 13 juni 2016


Long ago,
we lived in harmony and respect,
learning from nature and
following the voice of our Father.

But we have forgotten.

Now we only listen to
each other
and hear our own voices
echoing back to us.

Sometimes, if we are still enough,
we might catch a glimpse
of some long-forgotten wisdom
which the natural world
has not forgotten,
we might still hear
the whispers of our Father's voice
carried on the wind...

vrijdag 3 juni 2016

Wild Nature

The thing about nature is,
no matter where you are in the world,
no matter what season it is,
when undamaged by human touch,
and left to be wild,
nature has the ability to revive our souls,
connect us to each other and the earth itself,
heal our damaged spirits
and ignite the wild within.

woensdag 1 juni 2016


Like the sun shining through
the clouds on a grey day,
like a cool breath of
fresh air on a hot day,
I long to be...
to elevate others and bring peace.

But, like so many things,
it's easier said than done.