dinsdag 23 mei 2017

In the Wind

In one gust of wind...

I smell a myriad of lovely scents, from nature's sweet, wild kitchen,
I feel the warm touch of summer and the cool breeze of fall,
I see my best days of childhood, as lost dreams are revived.

In one gust of wind...
I taste the sweet kiss of love.

donderdag 18 mei 2017

When the Earth turns Green again...

 Wild children of the forest,
once a lushful jungle green,
brave, kind and strong are we...
and it calls us to be free!

Its powerful force, staggering beauty, gentle whispering flow draws me in...
and I know this is where I belong.

 With trembling, and in awe, I answer the call. 

To bo one, to be whole, to be home.
I am a child of the forest.

maandag 8 mei 2017

The Path Unknown...

What does it mean
to follow your dreams?
To step out and face the unknown?

No more!

Fears are real,
but we face them head-on
and keep our eyes fixed straight ahead.

Song of the Dawn