vrijdag 26 oktober 2018

Where Happiness Dwells

Not in the 'before...'
nor in the 'back when...'

Not in the 'if only...'
nor in the 'maybe when...'

Not in the past
nor in the future

but here in the present is
where happiness dwells.

vrijdag 31 augustus 2018

The Gentle Path

Be kind to yourself.

This path that you've chosen
is full of twists and turns,
challenges and surprises
around every bend.

It is the hard path,
the uphill journey.
Each day a new chance
to fall
and to rise again.

Now you've come so far!
Just stop for a moment
and enjoy the view!

 Then move onward,
eyes fixed ahead,
following the light
with the wind in your hair
and a hop in your step.

And always,
be kind to yourself.


zondag 22 juli 2018

The Beacon

 On this earth
where sorrows abound
and hope is often
hardly found

a glimpse of light,
Love calls me on
where eyes can't see
somewhere beyond.

A simple guide
I long to be
to show the kindness
shown to me.

Ripples of Beauty

vrijdag 29 juni 2018

The Good Life

Who would I be
if I'd not stop to see
all the beauty and love that surrounds me?

A cool summer breeze,
sweet bird song, bright flowers,
a smile and a kiss from my child...

Each day I must choose
to complain or give thanks
to see darkness or glimpses of light.

And when the day comes
that I lay down my head
and my eyes close for sleep everlasting,

I'll remember the ways that
Love filled all my days
and give thanks for the good life I've had.

vrijdag 25 mei 2018

The Explorer (excerpt from Rudyard Kipling's Selected Poetry, 1898)

'There's no sense in going further -- it's the edge of cultivation,'
So they said, and I believed it -- broke my land and sowed my crop --
Built my barns and strung my fences in the little border station
Tucked away below the foothills where the trails run out and stop:

Till a voice, as bad as Conscience, rang interminable changes
On one everlasting Whisper day and night repeated -- so:
'Something hidden. -- Go and find it. -- Go and look behind the Ranges --
'Something lost behind the Ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!'

So I went...

maandag 16 april 2018

The shades of life...

From purple to red,
blue, pink, yellow, white
and all of the various greens,
springtime is bursting with colour!

Unlike in autumn,
with hints of orange,
yellow and red and brown,
whose lovely fall tones
bring solace and peace

in spring, the fresh hues bring us hope!
All together their harmonies sing to us
of the different shades of life.

vrijdag 23 maart 2018

Thank you, birds...

For the promise of Spring, the awakening of our grey, winter lives,
for reminding us of life outside of our own
where the sun shines above the clouds
and new birth is just budding beneath the cold.
For your sweet, varied melodies that sing to the dawn
and bring hope of a new, brighter day.

Lament of the Soul

Where is the green forest garden
that my soul calls home,
the place where I am free to just be,
to run like a child and dance without care?
Is it real? Is it here for me?

Or is it all just a dream, too good to be true?

The wild forest calls me...
I long to be home.