woensdag 22 mei 2019

I want to cry

I want to cry for all that’s lost
For a perfect paradise lost
For clean air and water, lost
For exotic creatures, lost

For trust and compassion, lost
For love and passion, lost
For a naive dream, lost
For innocence and kindness, lost

For the companionship I had, lost
For the tears I cannot cry, lost
For the the future that may not be 
And for all of humanity

I want to cry.

And then I want to believe.
I want to dream and have hope.
Because, the chasm before us 
is so great,
The next step forward 
is a leap of faith.

woensdag 15 mei 2019


I live in a mostly beautiful place
With mostly nice weather 
Where the people are mostly lovely.

And most of the time,
I am a mostly loveable person. :)

maandag 13 mei 2019

Choose your path

Walls surround you,
troubles abound,
far from home,
not safe, nor sound. 
Choose your path,
seek the light.
Fear no darkness,
evil or fright.

Onward now
from where you've been!
Follow the light,
there's strength within!