donderdag 22 augustus 2019

Come home...

Where is the mover... wind?
The sustenance… water, earth and sun?
Where is the celebration
for which the soul is free to dance?

They are silent to us
as we are silent and deaf to them.

In the rage of the undying flames,
the scorching heat of the sun,
the devastating winds and the waters that flood,
our own rage and destruction are reflected back to us.

When will we come home?
When will we find harmony with ourselves
and the earth from which we come?

donderdag 8 augustus 2019

Extremely grateful

 Extremely grateful,
how could I not be?

I look outside, at the sparkling sea
and all the beauty surrounding me,
then remember the moments I have to share
with those I love and show them I care

The happy times, the angry, the sad
All are not equal, but all are not bad.

I've had a full life
and it wouldn't be right
to simply forget 
or to hold it tight.

I'm grateful
and I've got to let go
of what I've been given 
to others bestow.

A full life it can only be
when I give back what's been given to me.

The Journey

 A stone, a rock, a stumbling block;
you trip, you fall, and sometimes stop.

You want to feel,
but not the pain.
You don't want sorrow;
just the gain.

 But in the darkness of your fear
a light can suddenly appear...
A little sign, a spark of hope
to guide you on and help you cope.

The sun is ever shining still
beyond the clouds above the hill.

 Each step you take
through pain you feel
reminds you
that the journey's real 

So... seize that rock and cry those tears.
Then climb that peak and face those fears

Remember that the hills you climb
once were mountains in your mind.

 It's all before you
now you see:
embrace your journey
and be free!