donderdag 12 november 2020

Letting go...

Uncertainty looms,

yet, ne'er certain are we

when we merely hold on

to what we can see.

Moving on,  letting go,

having faith, with naught to show,

nothing to prove the path we pursue

will lead to a life that is happy and true,


treading our course, on a tightrope we walk

but with each step we walk the talk.

We're dreamers and builders, we see what might be.

Our words become actions, the way to be free.


 And if the gain that we finally win

is to simply have peace and quiet within, 

can we be honest and make the call,

be willing to say, 'it was worth it all'?


Uncertainty looms,

yet, ne'er certain are we

when we merely hold on

to what we can see.


The path that has become quite dear

lies before us now so clear:

Letting go, through fear and pain

will ultimately be our gain.