dinsdag 29 juni 2021

A painful teacher

I don't like pain, I'd rather avoid it.

I don't like to suffer, it makes me feel angry.

How dare I be exposed for being weak and mortal!

When I feel pain, I get upset.

When I get sick, I feel frustrated.

I fight it.  

This isn't me, I tell myself.

I am a happy, confident, strong and healthy woman 

who has come this far, learned so much, grown in wisdom and maturity.

And I love to take risks, to take on a good challenge. 


I don't like pain,  I 'd rather avoid it.

How can I call myself wise and mature if I don't like pain?

How can I call myself a risk-taker if I don't accept pain

and see it as something that's making me stronger?

Is it making me stronger?

What will happen if I give in to this painful teacher,

Accept my defeat and admit that I am merely mortal?

Is there another school of life to learn how to be strong and wise?

Or am I destined to experience pain again and again,  

simply battling on, fighting what I know to be a losing fight?

And only perhaps one day discovering the secret?

Questions for which I'm not sure I want to hear the answers.

In the meantime, 

this is me.

I don't like pain, I'd rather avoid it.