zondag 10 april 2022

Beautiful You



Beauty is fleeting, old age at your door.

Why do we feel the need to keep score?
On the outside, ugly flaws that scar.
But beneath it all, you know who you are.

Tired from pretending, from trying to be 
someone you were not meant to be.
“Enough with the show! I want to be free! 
A glowing, radiant, natural me!”

What others see is not really true
and you just want to say, this is not really you.
The ‘me’ that you know, the ‘me’ that you feel,
the ‘me’ that’s inside, you know that it’s real.


Reflected in glass, you just want to scream 
 as tears sting your eyes. Please, be a bad dream!
So much pain behind tired eyes, 
and heartache ‘neath the surface lies.

Your confidence each day gets battered.
But when all’s said and done, guess what mattered? 
You stayed true to yourself, yeah, you know who you are!
You’ve got strength to see beauty in your scar. 

Lift your head high, wear blights and flaws proud! 
You can be strong in the midst of a crowd!
You have found deep within what you’ve known to be true, 
the one who’s still standing, the beautiful you.