zondag 19 mei 2024

Sacred Space


Here is a space,
a sacred space
where you can simply be.

Here is a space,
a beautiful space
to hug and love a tree.

And in this space,
this wonderful space
our hearts are free to see

that this is how 
we're meant to live
and how we're meant to be.

zaterdag 18 mei 2024

Open Book


If I am an open book,
will you stop and take a look 
and read beyond the pages
of the stories that I tell?  
Will you take the lines I share
and hold them to your heart?

Will you promise not to
let them rip and fall apart?
 Will you glimpse the beauty,
and see the path I walk?
Will you hear my truth
underneath the shallow talk?
For words can be so empty,
but our souls can say so much.
And love is shown in action,
in kindness and in touch.
So I will try to hear your soul
and learn to listen more.
 And maybe we can find each other
through love's open door. 

dinsdag 14 mei 2024

Light at the Top


And then, when you've stumbled
over the ruts and stones on your path,
picked yourself up, carried on
through dark forests with ever winding roads
and climbed over a field of rough boulders,
your limbs aching, your mouth parched,
your lips chapped,
you see that there is light at the top. 
It beckons you further up and onward. 
You reach the summit and cry out for joy!
You refresh yourself
in the clear mountain stream and feel reborn!
And though there will be
many more mountains to climb, 
you are no longer afraid.
For this brief moment in time,
you are grateful
to just breathe in deep and enjoy the view.

zaterdag 11 mei 2024

Deep in the Earth

Deep in the Earth
I feel my heart beat
with a rhythm that flows
to my head from my feet.

 The secrets I hold
carried in the Earth's song
with every drum beat,
my heart sings along.

To be dirty and wild,
to dance and to spin,
to laugh free like a child,
nature's wild are my kin!

This is my home
where my soul can sing,
a place where my wildest
dreams take wing,

to be free to explore,
see the fresh dawn arise,
feel the moon's ancient pull,
see the Earth with new eyes.

Sheltered and warm,
 I know I am home,
safe here from harm
where my soul's free to roam.


maandag 6 mei 2024

The Ancient Song


What magic is this that draws me in,
what beauty do I behold?

What language that speaks to the depths of my soul,
what stories here enfold? 
Sweet music whispers through the woods,
this haven I hold dear.
 I know that I can be myself,
I'm fully present here.

Gnarly branches, twisted trunk,
what secrets do you bear
of bending and reaching and facing the sun,
and raising up arms in the air?
New life springs from old bark bones,
roots deep, we grow up strong.

A life well spent, beginning anew,
this is the Ancient Song.