zaterdag 15 juni 2024

Meet Me There


Meet me where
the dappled sunlight
filters through the trees.

Meet me where
the noise of life
drifts faintly like a breeze.

Meet me where
my heart's so full,
I'll dance and spin around.

Meet me where
I'll rest my head on
mossy, sacred ground.

Meet me where
tall trees build a
cathedral to the sky.
Meet me where 
their branches lift triumphant
raised up high.

Meet me where
the dew drops twinkle,
rain drops drip from leaves.

Meet me where
the voice of water
puts my mind at ease.

Meet me where
the sparkling stream
reflects the clear blue sky.

Meet me where
soft clouds paint
vivid stories floating by.

 Meet me where
the wind speaks to
the language of my soul.

Meet me where
I know I'm home,
here's where my heart is whole.


woensdag 5 juni 2024

Ever Higher


Ever higher, through the sunlight
let the magic lead me on!
Let my arms become my wings,
let the path become my song! 

Let my feet on Earth be grounded
while my Spirit here takes flight
following the dreams within me
to my inner child's delight!