vrijdag 13 mei 2016

What is hope?

Too many grey days
and you start to forget...
What is hope anyways?

What is hope anyways?

Is it a naïve belief in
something positve
depite the overwhelming
'evidence' of negative all around?

Can it be found
in the ripples
caused by millions of raindrops
dancing on crowded streets?

Does its voice whisper to us
in the soft ruslting
of the wind through the trees
who continue to stand the test of time?

One tiny speck of light
in the darnkess
is enough to spark the flame
ignited so long ago.

Is it the soft rays
of warm sunlight
breaking ever so gently
through the grey clouds
that it almost takes our breath away?

The sun... yes, the sun
calling us back to life
reminding us of a place
and the Love we once knew
where our hearts long to be home.

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