vrijdag 2 februari 2024

Far over the Pacific

Five years had passed,
now five more have gone.
It's time to reflect
before moving on.

Somewhere far away
a dream once came alive
to live a life fulfilled,
not merely just survive.

  It became quite clear that
the dream which then took hold
would come at a high price,
we needed to be bold.

We'd leave behind our loved ones,
risk all for the unknown.
The four of us together,
we were not alone.

From conception to the journey
our dream would lead us on,
our plan evolved and became real.
Soon five years had gone.

Then, tangible before us,
we said our last good byes,
sad to leave our loved ones,
our eyes turned to the skies.

Far over the Pacific
we woke to a new day,
our lovely destination
bathed in golden ray:

A place where clear blue waters
meet never-ending sky,
wild birds glide over forests
and mountains rise up high.

At night, the stars all new
the evening air a treat,
exotic birds to wake us,
their morning music sweet.
We set out to explore, 
both islands free to roam,
searching for the spot
we'd call our forever home.
Hills, lakes, forests, beaches,
we traveled far and near 
 Waterfalls, refreshing!
We really love it here!

In the Bay of Plenty,
thriving from the ground,
life here in abundance,
a lovely place we've found.

Now the time has passed
as our journey carries on.
This place becomes our home.
Five more years have gone.

When we look back and see,
we let it all sink in,
the new friends we have made,
the places we have been,

we will not take for granted
all the blessings we've received,
remind ourselves we got this far
because we have believed.

New dreams have now been spun,
we've changed and we have grown.
Through the seeds we're planting
new adventures have been sown.

Our feet firmly planted,
our hearts and minds in unity,
from here, we'll shape new worlds,
a strong thriving community.

Not just passing through,
this place we build to thrive.
All are welcome here
and dreams can come alive!

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