zaterdag 17 februari 2024


 "Guilt don't live here no more!"
I said, "good bye" to her
and promptly shut the door!

And so I thought
I'd say those words
and she would go away.

But she came back
with all her friends
and said, they're here to stay.

First, Doubt crept in
with shaky hands and
tapped me on the back.

Then, icy fingers
slipped in next as
Fear wrapped 'round my neck.

Anxiety and Worry
were the next to swiftly follow.
I exhaled deeply and told them,
"I'll deal with you tomorrow.

 Please, just leave me alone!
I don't like your absurd game."
But someone else had slithered in,
my old nemesis, Shame.

I felt so small,
my heart beat fast,
and now I seemed so weak.

I knew this wasn't
who I am,
my voice sounded so meek.

How did they all have
such a hold on my heart
and my mind?

To find the answer,
I would have to
think back and rewind.

Was there a time
I let them in and
listened to their lies?

Why, yes, and
not so long ago,
I came to realise.

Their lies became the rhythm
to which my fooled heart beat,
their words became the chorus
ringing in my own defeat.

I allowed
their toxic speech to
poison my true voice.

I had chosen
to believe
I had no other choice.

Then life became survival,
Creativity blew away.
My soul's song had been silenced,
in this sad game I would play.

But maybe there was still a chance,
the whispering of hope...
Somehow, I would find myself,
not just merely cope.

For dreams and visions
guided me
and kept my soul alive,

reminding me
that one day I'd do more
than just survive.

And now I stand
 with my feet firmly
planted on the ground.

Those toxic words,
they have no grasp,
they're merely noise and sound.

They only had a hold on me
when I believed their lies.
I'd dedicate my life to live in love,
with them break ties.

I still hear the echoes
of the poison lies they spew.
But I say they are powerless.
I know that they aren't true.

And though my heart is fragile
and my mind can be so loud,
my soul is strong and beautiful
and I stand tall and proud.

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