zaterdag 23 maart 2024

Ode to Autumn

Where gold-crested tree tops 
meet crisp Autumn blue sky,
the wind, in all her grandeur
awakens my soul, delights my eye

 as myriad leaves swirl
and dance to the ground.
The last summer's crickets 
display a sweet sound

telling of long, hot days gone,
cooler ones to come.
"The turn of seasons"
beats like a drum!
Though change now comes swiftly, 
there's nothing to fear.
But it's hard to let go 
of the things I hold dear.

Yet, I do so love Autumn,
her sweet smells and colours!
I can trust in the process of
long-wilted flowers

who once, filled with fragrance,
delighted my days
on long Summer evenings
with late Summer rays.

Though now dead and gone, 
their scents still survive.
Death is never final.
New life will revive
what once lie in slumber,
a soul tucked away,
waiting to feel safe
and embrace the warmth of day.
Though Spring is still a long way off,
and I miss her bright, new ways,
I'm glad for rest and coziness
on Autumn's colder days.

This ancient rhythm of death and life,
Autumn's magic spell,
puts my soul at quiet ease,
reminds me, all is well.

zaterdag 16 maart 2024

Head Space



The space in my head,
it bursts at the seams,
it wants to be fed
with all kinds of dreams.

The dark, scary thoughts
driven by fear
take more than their share.
Get back to the rear!

My head space is precious.
I won't just allow
every thought to run wild
while my heart's forced to bow.

No, my head space is dear
and I'll fill it with things,
with beauty and joy
and dreams that take wings.

The space in my head,
loud as can be,
though often quite noisy
has helped me to see

that I can decide
which thoughts fill my head
at the end of the day
when I'm lying in bed.

Yes, I have the power
to think of the ways
my life can bring joy
for all of my days.

My life is my own
to shape and to hold
and to decide
just how I'll grow old.

So I'll make a vow
that springs from my heart:
To stay true to myself
and remain young at heart,

To teach my mind
that there's plenty of space
for so much good
in this life to embrace.

zondag 10 maart 2024

One Step

Just one step
out into the unknown
on a bridge we cannot see,
where the path has not been shown.

Just one step,
we do not see the rest.
This next leap of faith
really puts us to the test.

Just one step,
no, we cannot turn around.
We take one step ahead
both feet firmly on the ground.

It feels as though we're balancing.
But time will surely tell
that we have remained standing,
or look back and see we fell.

And, stand or fall, we'll carry on
for then we'll surely find
that the chasm we were scared of
was all within our mind. 

The next step is the hardest.
Though we want the outcome now,
with time we will grow stronger
and this is the way how. 

zaterdag 2 maart 2024

A Moment of Bliss


A moment of bliss
in ev'ry day life,
so easy to miss
when caught in the strife.

A quick, fleeting breeze,
we'll miss if we blink,
a subtle reminder,
eternity's wink
to see the small things
and follow the voice,
the child deep within us.
We all have a choice.

Though storms and clouds
may be all that we see,
our inner child's calling
for us to be free.

So what if we stop,
make time and breathe deep
though days are so busy 
and nights lack real sleep?

 It will not come easy,
that much is for sure.
But a price is being paid.
What can we endure?
What life is about
can quickly get lost
when we just carry on
and forget the true cost.

Remember that we
are not here to survive
but to enjoy and
to share and to thrive.

A moment of bliss,
freedom sublime,
this fragment so fleeting,
a treasure in time.