woensdag 17 april 2024

The Other Side

'Land of the Long White Cloud',
sometimes, my view is hindered
in fog, veiled like a shroud.
On days like these, I might feel sad,
thoughts in my head so loud,
weighed down by a heavy blanket,
smothered by the cloud.
Clouds of despair,
an endless sea of grey,
a fog so thick above me,
I cannot find my way.
And then I'll say,
'Oh, clouds of grey,
why do you weigh me
down today?'
But if I take the time
to listen and not speak,
I might just find the answers,
the treasure that I seek.
For clouds can bring a storm,
turbulent and grey.
But they also offer shade
on a hot and sunny day.
They give me space to rest, 
they give me time to feel.
When they're grey, a blanket cover,
time to sleep and heal.
Yes, I feel the pain
and the sadness and the anger.
To all of the above,
I am not a stranger.
But on the other side
where grey blends into pink,
a brand new day awaits
and I can smile and think

that they might be a projection,
these clouds that I see,
my inner world reflection,
what's happening in me.

I know that it is true
that where my thoughts go
in the labyrinth of my mind,
I will follow. 
So I will make a choice
in the dark of the night
to seek out the stars
and follow the light.

When the sun is shining,
I'll not miss a golden ray.
I'll feel that I'm revived
and run out to face the day.
I'll see that there is beauty
in clouds as they grow,
their heavenly bodies,
their billowing flow.
I'll be relaxing,
smiling and playing
while the sun warms my skin 
and the trees are all swaying.

The wind will blow lightly and
dance through my hair
and I will spin freely
without a care.

In those moments, I'll believe,
I might even be sure
that there's beauty in the mundane,
that all is good and pure.

But I won't forget the darkness
if I'm honest and I'm true.
It needs to be held and loved,
yes, bad days happen, too.
I will understand
that there's more than I can see.
I'll learn to love the dark and light
for both are part of me.

Yes, on the other side
of the clouds that I face
lies a sunrise of gold
and a hope-filled place.

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