maandag 8 april 2024




By the water's edge today
a little bird came out to play.

I watched him as he was watching me.
And I smiled as I began to see

that I want to walk gently upon the Earth,
to inhale deeply and feel her breath.

To go through life at my own pace.
It's not meant to be a race.

To watch a spider weave her web,
to feel the rhythm of flow and ebb.

To hear chuckling water flow down a stream,
speaking a language I know from a dream.

To taste the rich, clear water's flow,
and carry her with me wherever I go.

To feel the wind blow as he plays with my hair,
to breathe in deep, without a care. 

To see Dandelion seeds float up to the sky
and my heart soars along! I smile and I sigh.

To stroll through the woods, and notice the light,
to savour my food, and enjoy every bite.

To play the long game, I'll be here for a while,
to let go of grudges and practice a smile.

 As I walk gently upon the ground,
I stop and take a look around.

I breathe in deep and then I say,
"There's so much magic here today,
it simply takes my breath away!"

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